
'The Dictator' is a flexible Multimedia tool, enabaling you to enter
data in different formats, and then it tests your knowledge according
to the data you've entered.

The Dictator supports Bitmaps, and 'Wav' files. In case some of your information is not in these formats, there are many FREEWARE converters on the Internet.

A great Freeware Viewer/Converter is called IrfanView32,
and you can get it here.

This page uses frames, so if your browser does not support frames, get a browser that does from Microsoft or Netscape.

Because this software can be used by novice kids as well as experienced adults
(And obviously by experienced kids as well as novice adults) this manual assumes
nothing regarding previous knowledge or intuition, and explains everything in the most profound manner.

This is the FIRST version of 'The Dictator'.
We hope you like it.
If you have comments or suggestions send them to Shay or Ron.